To join a group tour or not to, here’s why we think it is a good idea to join one…

Let’s Find out Why to Join a group tour to South Africa is Important and Beneficial.

The Planning Gets Taken Care Of

Planning a solo trip takes a lot of effort and preparation, joining a group trip will save you the headache, especially if it’s your first time travelling alone.

A tour operator has the time to carefully plan, refine and constantly update their itinerary so it’s up-to-date and always includes the top highlights of the destination you’re visiting. That will leave you with ample time to enjoy the experience instead of losing sleep to budgeting, booking accommodation, planning activities and organising transport.

Join a group tour
Join a group Tour

Meet New People

Sometimes it’s difficult to get your friends onboard with your next travel plans, so why wait? Joining a group tour puts you in touch with a whole new group of like-minded travelers keen on experiencing the same adventure as you. Who says you need to do everything with the group of people you see every weekend? If they’re not keen, don’t worry, there are plenty of others out there that are.

On a small group tour like Backpacking Tour Co’s you’re going to meet a whole new crew of like-minded people with similar backgrounds and interests to yours. You’ll fit right in, make loads of new friends and awesome memories throughout the trip.


Not only is it safer to travel by joining a group tour but group tours have guides present who know the ins and outs of the country you’re visiting. They’re there to help you, offer advice and keep you reassured whenever you aren’t sure of something. Shady characters are far less likely to try take advantage of a tour group than a backpacker looking hopelessly lost walking down the street.

Our group trips have guides present for the entire trip, in a country like South Africa, safety is a big concern and we’re committed to keeping our guests feeling safe all the time.

Join a group tour
Join a group tour

Leave Your Comfort Zone

Joining a group tour takes you away from everything you’re used to and puts you in an unfamiliar place with a new crowd of people. This might seem scary but it’s an opportunity to escape your current environment, challenge yourself and explore a foreign country. How refreshing!

By the way, South Africa is the ideal escape from any comfort zone and our group trip has some awesome comfort-zone challenging activities along the route.

Since the days of Covid, SA has also become the destination of choice for people to get outdoors, experience nature and see some awesome wildlife!

Easy Budgeting

A group tour costs one price and often lets you know everything that is included in that price. Transport, accommodation, food and activities are often all included which means you don’t need to worry about figuring out each price and doing a day to day budget. You’ll always need to take along some spending money but the majority of costs are covered. Easy Peasy.

Who wants to be counting bank notes when you could be on a safari ride knowing it’s all taken care of? You’d be surprised to know that joining a group trip can actually be cheaper than doing it yourself. Since operators get better deals on accommodation, food, activities and more they can pass those saving on to you the traveller.

Join a group tour
Join a group tour

Group Tours Cater for Specific Travellers

Many small group tour operators (like us) cater for very specific niche groups. Finding a group operator that caters for interests that resonate with you is getting easier and it will put you among a group of like-minded people that’ll make sharing the trip together much more meaningful and enjoyable.

Backpacking Tour Co. caters for 20-35 year old solo travellers looking to leave their comfort zone and go on an experience filled adventure in South Africa! Is that something that sounds interesting to you?

Time and Convenience

Time is increasingly becoming a commodity people have less and less of. With peoples hectic lives studying and making a career it’s difficult to make time to plan a solo trip. Group tours make it easy for you by putting together a great itinerary they save you the time of having to do it yourself.

Joining a group tour also means that many of the inconveniences of putting together a solo trip like airport transfers, transport, meals and choosing the best activities gets done for you.

Yup, we’ll take care of all of that and then some.

Join a group tour

Group Discounts and Costs

While the price of joining a group trip might seem like a big chunk of money initially, doing the budgeting for a solo trip yourself might actually come out more expensive. That’s because group operators often get considerable group discounts which get handed down to their guests in the total price.

Travelling as a group in South Africa where public transport isn’t always available will also save you a lot in terms of renting vehicles or paying for individual day trips.

Get Off the Beaten Track

Travelling solo puts certain places or activities out of reach simply because they’re too costly or difficult to reach alone. Group tours make it possible to go places that you might not consider going to by yourself.

We’re all about experiential travel and our trip to South Africa is designed to take you away from the typical tourist route to some off-the-beaten-track places.

If you had any reservations about joining a group tour before reading this, we think these are a few reasons why you should put them to rest, take the risk and join an awesome group tour to South Africa.

If South Africa is the destination you’re looking to visit and you’re still not sure a group tour is a way to do it, then get in touch with us and we’ll do our best to ease any of your concerns, or view our trips and see which date works best for you.